Fulfillment with the First Prophecy
"Wars and violence will continue"
From 1972 to May 2009, wars and violence have been increasing all over the world. As of May 2009 are already formed political blocs of the East against West, who will star in the Third World War, a Nuclear War which will be last this of the humanity.
Largely fulfilled prophecy.
"There will be hunger and death"
Millions of people are disembodied from hunger on the planet. In 1990, the FAO of the United Nations, reports that more than 780 million people worldwide suffer from hunger. This exceeds the entire population of Europe or North America, Latin America, or throughout Africa south of Sahara.
Each year nearly 13 million children die under five years of age as direct or indirect result of hunger, malnutrition and infections.
The loss of human lives as a result of hunger, is higher than would occur if every three days, somebody threw a bomb like the one that destroyed Hiroshima during World War II, in a densely populated area.
Prophecy fulfilled.
"There will be radioactive-borne diseases to which man will not find remedies"
Constantly appear in the news media on the occurrence of disease outbreaks of unknown cause epidemics, and agents thereof are not removed by known drugs.
On October 11, 1990, on television, journalist Marcelo Araya said: "Medical science has discovered 350 new viral diseases."
AIDS is a dramatic confirmation of this prophecy. This disease is a divine punishment for Humanity has gone back to the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. AIDS is now a deadly pandemic.
Reports issued by the OPS "Pan American Health Organization" and the WHO "World Health Organization" freely distributed over the Internet, letting us see the fulfillment of this prophecy:
(Report updated to July 22, 1996 through Internet)
New diseases, Emerging Infectious
The spectrum of diseases is changing at a rapid pace, in conjunction with dramatic changes in our environment and population, and many factors combine to cause epidemics, by a group of infectious diseases currently described as "new diseases and re-emerging. " Added to this is that resistance to antimicrobial agents continues to reduce the efficacy of drugs increasing suffering, unnecessary deaths, as well as monetary costs.
Prophecy fulfilled.
* "There will be weather changes that will bring death and destruction"
The warming of our planet Earth.
Science has proven that the Earth is experiencing a gradual warming. This has been called the "greenhouse effect". This phenomenon is causing climate chaos with all sorts of weather changes, increasingly violent and destructive, and already hit all regions of the globe.
As a result of greater global warmth, the polar caps and the "eternal snow" mountain ranges, are melting rapidly. This results in these times, an imbalance apocalyptic water cycle in nature, and therefore alter the global climate.
Experts have proven that global warming has increased the frequency and severity of storms, typhoons and hurricanes around the world. Paradoxically, prolonged droughts and floods have continued to frequent large floods.
All this catastrophic ecological disturbance leading the planet goes to massive hunger population.
In general, logically, one can predict the economic collapse of many nations, as a result of this apocalypse climate that is experiencing the planet Earth.
There are countless news provided by "the media" that confirmed this brief.
Prophecy fulfilled.
* "There will be strong tremors that will shake the Earth"
In the years after this prophecy, there has been an upsurge in earthquakes, but it has been since 1976, where the crisis has acquired seismic spread and violence unprecedented in world history known.
Numerous news in "the media" confirm the fulfillment of this prophecy, every day around the world.
Prophecy fulfilled.
* "And the city of the Beast 666 (named in the Apocalypse of John the Apostle), which governs men will be destroyed ..."
This prophecy will be fulfilled soon.
* "... As well as large cities that are home scandals and immorality"
This prophecy will be serving as the destruction by earthquake chaos is of such magnitude that exceeds the capacity for reconstruction of each nation. This will happen also in the Third (Nuclear) War that will devastate entire regions of the planet.
Prophecy in the process.
* "Almost all the volcanoes will erupt on Earth"
Mother's Prophecy is very accurate. There will be so many weather and geological phenomenon that will destabilize the entire planet. Those volcanoes have been slept for thousands of years, will wake up with unusual fury. It will then produce an escalation chain. Many volcanoes have erupted since the date of this Prophecy (1972).
Prophecy fulfilling
The First Prophecy of Mother, said: "The Final Hour is very close, because we are at the beginning of the End, because the land has already begun to suffer, and everyone has to get what he deserves."
This clearly indicates that 1972 was the year the start date of the countdown to this civilization. Further states that every human being must be received in strict justice he deserves, according to his works.
In addition, there are many specific and punctual prophecies which are being fulfilled or are in process.
But this first prophecy misses the fulfillment of some crucial and terrible events:
a) The Nuclear Third World War, with quake chaos ensuing , and
b) The arrival of the Final Earthquake of Yahweh’s Day or The Final Day of humanity, to be produced by the impact of a huge meteor into the planet Earth, so all must end.
We can ensure, in the name of God, our ability to reporter has been overtaken by the avalanche of events on Earth, that occur daily in all nations, unseen catastrophes like cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions. All about the world is shaking. In addition there is violence and collective human folly, driven into the abysm by the Beast 666 of the Apocalypses. The End is near.
Proof of the Second and Third Mother’s Prophecy
Announcing the visit to the Land of the Intergalactic Ships of the Masters of Worlds of the Universal Cosmogony.
On April 23, 1972 in a message issued by Mother Laura Antonia, a "mainstreaming" or mediumistic trance, themselves the Masters of the Cosmogony announce their visit to Earth to support the Prophet, that from Chile should give Light to humanity. And also point out that their flight through the skies of our planet, the "wonders in the heavens," indicating the arrival of the End Times.
They thus confirmed the 2nd and 3rd Mother’s Prophecies.
But at the same time they have indicated that fulfills the Biblical prophecy, located in the book of Joel the Prophet, Old Testament, Ch. 2, vs.30: "And I will show wonders in heaven" ... vs.. 31 ... "before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the Lord" (or Doomsday).
Nowadays, June 2009, it’s almost universal agreement among the people of the Earth, that we are visited by Intergalactic Ships.
Other Mother Laura Antonia’s Prophecies
The book "The Sign of Jonah" of the author Carlos Opazo Barragán publishes many more prophecies known and others unpublished, besides other important aspects of the life and work of Mother Laura Antonia. The book is registered with the Copyright Society which number of Intellectual Property Registration is 174,968, therefore, any total or partial reproduction of the book should be done with the permission of the author, to avoid legal action. However, the book can be download it for free at http://www.senaldejonas.cl/
Its sale is strictly prohibited.
Some themes of the book
1. Prophecies about events in Chile.
2. Doomsday Prophecies.
3. Prophecies of the Nuclear Third and last World War.
4. Prophecies about the End Times events of the humanity.
5. Spiritual Prophecies of the Congregation of the New Jerusalem.
6. Holy Prophetic figures formed in the clouds of the sky.
7. Messages about ecclesiastical celibacy.
8. Mother Laura Antonia's teachings: the Divine Master Jesus is not God.
9. Saul of Tarsus, the manager of the deification of Jesus Christ.
10. Mother teachings about many topics.
In "The Sign of Jonah" (Spanish) you will find news from the media and the Internet about the fulfillment of the prophecies of Mother Laura Antonia.