miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

The Passing Away and Legacy of Mother Laura Antonia

The Passing Away of the Prophet

Having her health so weakened, because of the infinite injustice with which she was treated in her own homeland, Mother Antonia could not stand the treason of her own three children, 30 years older, who slandered her.
But Mother Antonia, in a supreme effort, gave an interview to the press on May 24th, 1999, where she publicly expressed about their children: "damned them in the name of God."

But this last effort to grant this interview, in which Mother Antonia clarified the truth before the public opinion, resulted in a brain stroke, which, after a long agony, produced her death on December 24th, 2003, at 3:05 a.m., at his home in La Pintana, Santiago.

That was how she, a marvellous woman, accomplished her mission, an illustrious Chilean citizen, not recognized in her homeland, but, from whose mouth flowed the Word of The Divine Father Creator, God Almighty.

Mother Laura Antonia has gone to the Kingdom of her Father, but her work will not be forgotten. Her Prophecies of the Apocalypse have remained, and, when the events of the Earth continue to confirm, without doubt, the veracity of the Prophecies made in the name of God, her memory will be venerated by the faithful and the profane, and her name summoned with yearning before the arrival of the End of Times.

The Spiritual Legacy of the Prophet

The Spiritual Legacy left by Mother Laura Antonia, once she fulfilled her Prophetic Mission in her time on earth, remains intact inside of the Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén, composed only by her faithful disciples, whose together with their Guide Brother, the Major Archbishop Carlos Opazo Barragán, ex-husband of Mother Laura Antonia and faithful disciple for over 33 years; are the guardians and conservatives of the Life Books in which monsignor Carlos Opazo wrote the History of the Prophet and her Work.

The Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén posses its location in La Pintana, Santiago de Chile, in the precinct that she bequeathed for the usage of the Religion that she founded and widespread. This is the True Religion that comes from the Divine Father, the oldest of the mankind, predicated from the earliest times in History, in all the nations and races, by the Prophets sent by the Divine Father.

Mother Laura Antonia and the Masters of the Cosmogony (who are the Angels and Archangels from the Bible) transmitted the Truth in its original purity, without the misrepresentations introduced in it by the first “Anti-Christ”, Saul of Tarsus, and later by the religious people from distinct ages giving birth to the religions called “Christian” in The West.

After Mother Laura Antonia passed away, the Divine Father arose another person, a Prophet as well, who is the continuation of her religious and prophetic work, and that within the Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén serves as a link of union and communication between the spiritual dimension of the Divine Father and the terrestrial dimension where the humble servants live. In this way, the brothers who compose the Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén march safe, guided and protected by the Divine Father, The Divine Master Jesus, Mother Laura Antonia, the Angels and Archangels, in their path towards the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

The Foundation of the Congregation

The Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén was founded on October 2nd, 1967, in Santiago de Chile, by a Master of the Cosmogony commanded by the Divine Father Creator and The Divine Master Jesus, through a mediumistic trance of Mother Laura Antonia, who in this manner established herself as a co-founder of the Centro Espírita Paz y Amor (Spiritist Center “Paz y Amor”). Spiritist meaning “Spiritual”.

Later, in 1975, the name was changed, Congregación Espiritual Paz y Amor. When Mother Antonia passed away, on December 24th, 2003, it changed its name as Congregación Espiritual Paz y Amor de la Madrecita Laura Antonia.

But in August of 2007 a group of members separated themselves from the Congregation in defiance, abandoning the Temple in La Pintana and establishing in Santiago, stealing the Legal Statutes of the Congregación Espiritual Paz y Amor, forming a independent sect antagonistic to the original group which was guided by the Major Archbishop Carlos Opazo.

The original group agreed to leave the divisive ex-members follow their own path and re-founded the Congregation with the name of Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén considering that Mother Laura Antonia is named in the Bible as “The New Jerusalem” or the “Apocalyptic Woman” (Apocalypse of John Apostle, Chapter 12, and vesicle 1 and further ones)

Today, in 2009, the Congregación Espiritual de la Nueva Jerusalén carries on with the religious work, faithful to the postulates that said its Founder and Prophet, and guided at the present time by its current successor, transmitting the Spiritual Science of the Divine Father Creator and making modest Social Works in favour of the underdog. Besides, every Christmas, the brother members have donated thousands of toys to the children who come from poor families living in La Pintana, Puente Alto, and some Mapuche Communities from Temuco, in every Christmas Eve.

According to the stipulations of the State Constitution, which states freedom of conscience and worship for all citizens, the members of the Congregation respect the religious beliefs of their compatriots. The members of the Congregation are not opposed to the morals, the good customs or public order, and they continue professing their religion through teaching, practice, worship and observance.